
Below you can see all the rates and offers. For registrations, reservations or questions you can always contact me. If you cancel less than 24 hours before the pilates training, you will be charged the full rate.

Make an appointment for a free trial Group lesson

on monday evening


INTRODUCTION OFFER 1 private lesson + 1 group lesson of your choice

Validity period 4 weeks

INTRODUCTION OFFER 3 group lesson + 1 extra group lesson for free

Validity period 4 weeks


6 WEKEN DEAL (2x per week)

Validity period 6 weeks


Validity period 6 weeks


Validity period 6 weeks


STANDARD (valid for 3 months)


5 STANDARD STUDIO group lessons

Validity period 3 months


Validity period 3 months


Validity period 3 months


Validity period 3 months


Validity period 3 months


Validity period 3 months



Validity period 3 months


Validity period 3 months


Validity period 3 months


FLEXIBLE (valid for 6 months)


5 FLEXIBEL STUDIO group lessons

Validity period 6 months

8 FLEXIBEL STUDIO group lessons

Validity period 6 months

5 FLEXIBEL STUDIO private lessons

Validity period 6 months

8 FLEXIBEL STUDIO private lessons

Validity period 6 months

5 FLEXIBEL STUDIO duet lessons

Validity period 6 months

8 FLEXIBEL STUDIO duet lessons

Validity period 6 months



Validity period 6 months


Validity period 6 months


Validity period 6 months



€5 per week
€5 per week

Just curious? make an appointment and try the Introduction Offer.


Classes and Registration

All classes must be paid in advance. Classes and personal training sessions are valid until the expiration date mentioned on the purchased package.
There is a maximum number of participants per class. With less than two participants the class will not take place. Classes are subject to change.
I use the information you provide when you sign up to keep in touch with you and provide updates on new classes, workshops, extra classes or changes. You will hear from me by email and/or by WhatsApp. I treat your information with respect.

I advise you to do your booking through Appybee online software. If that is not possible you can always get in contact with me:
Phone: +31646332327
Email: pilatesz.nl.studio@gmail.com

Or stop by: Emmaweg 2, Maarssen

The teaching materials (online, video on demand, live) are and remain the property of Marianna. Nothing of the contents of the lessons may be multiplied and/or made public in any form or way, either electronically, mechanically, recordings or in any other way without prior written permission of Marianna.

Refunds and cancellation

Classes and personal training sessions are valid until the expiration date mentioned on the purchased package. Class fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

The above mentioned rates do not automatically apply to future assignments.

The cost of a lesson may be increased at any time; I will inform you of such increases at least 30 days in advance. I reserve the right to cancel or reschedule classes in the event of illness, incapacity for work, death or serious illness of a family member or loved one.

As a client, you agree with the cancellation policy: 

Classes or workshops must be cancelled or changed at least 24 hours in advance. 

Private classes should be cancelled or changed at least 24 hours in advance.


I have read the terms and conditions and agree that neither I, nor my heirs or legal representatives will bring any charge or other claim of any kind against Marianna or its members for personal injury or damage to property or theft, lost goods. I participate in the lessons voluntarily and at my own risk and am fully aware of the possible risk of injury. Marianna is not liable for any damage, theft and/or injury as a result of participation during, before or after the lessons.

If I have any doubts about my health, I consult a doctor or a physiotherapist before participating in a class or workshop

Questions or complaints

If you have any questions or complaints mail to: pilatesz.nl.studio@gmail.com

Contact Me

To sign up for a online class, please ask about subscriptions through Appybee